How To Choose The Right Insulation For Your Home

Insulation reduces energy costs and creates a more comfortable home environment. However, not all insulation is created equal. The type of insulation you choose depends on your climate and the area of your home that you are insulating.

You should consult a professional insulation contractor before selecting an insulation material for your home. Here are some tips on how to choose the right Insulation Tulsa:


Insulation is often referred to as the “unsung hero of the home,” because it helps keep your home comfortable, saves energy, and keeps your heating and cooling bills down. Insulation is an important part of any new construction or renovation project, and selecting the right type of insulation is critical to ensure you have the best possible results.

When choosing insulation, it’s crucial to consider the R-value of the product. The higher the R-value, the more effective the insulation is at resisting heat flow. R-value is determined by the thickness of the material, and it is calculated as thermal resistance per unit thickness (R) divided by the thermal conductivity (C).

The best insulation for your home will depend on where you live in the country, as different climates require different levels of R-value. To help you determine the ideal R-value for your home, the STAR website provides a map that allows you to find the recommended insulation for your area.

In addition to the R-value of the insulation, it’s also important to note that insulation performs differently depending on the type of material used. While cellulose, fiberglass, and spray foam are all considered to be effective types of insulation, the best choice for your home will depend on what type of space you need to insulate and how much you want to spend on your insulation project.

The most affordable option is typically fiberglass insulation, but it may not provide the highest R-value for your space. If you are looking for a high R-value, spray foam or cellulose insulation is your best option.

If you are installing new insulation in your house, the code minimums for your area are a good guide. For a typical house in the southern portion of the country, the minimum is R-30 for roof insulation and R-20 for above-grade exterior walls and basement walls.

Adding insulation to your home or building a new home with the proper amount of R-value is one of the most cost-effective projects you can do to improve comfort and efficiency, save money on energy costs, and create a more sustainable future. To get started, contact a certified energy advisor (CEA) through your local hydro company to discuss your project and receive a recommendation for the appropriate R-value.


The material used to create insulation can have a significant impact on its ability to stop the flow of heat and cool air. Typically, builders and homeowners choose insulation based on its R-value alone, but other factors should be considered. For instance, some types of insulation have higher embodied carbon than others while other options like wood fiberboard panels sequester carbon and are non-toxic. Additionally, some insulation materials can be more difficult to install than others.

For example, fiberglass batts can be installed by the homeowner, but they must be measured and cut carefully to avoid gaps and compression that lead to unwanted airflow. On the other hand, spray foam can be easily installed by a professional, but it may cause moisture problems if it is not properly sealed.

If you are trying to determine which type of insulation is right for your home, talk to a certified energy advisor (CEA). These professionals can help you identify your goals and recommend the best solution. In addition, they can help you calculate how much insulation you need and where it should be placed in your home.

Some of the most common insulation materials are fiberglass batts, cellulose, and spray foam. However, there are also eco-friendly alternatives such as recycled denim and sheep’s wool. These alternative materials are not as effective as traditional fiberglass, but they still provide an environmentally friendly alternative for homeowners looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

When deciding which type of insulation is right for your home, it’s important to consider the R-value and your budget. By following these tips, you can find the perfect insulation for your home and save money on your energy bills at the same time.

Homeowners should be aware that there is a lot of insulation that they can do on their own, but it’s always best to hire a professional to ensure the job is done correctly. When selecting a contractor to perform the insulation work, homeowners should be sure to ask about their certification and experience. Choosing a certified energy expert can make all the difference when it comes to saving on your energy costs and making your home more comfortable.


Insulation keeps heat from escaping, which helps reduce energy costs. It also prevents moisture from entering and creating mold. Insulation is one of the most cost-effective home improvement projects you can take on. However, it’s important to choose the right insulation for your home to ensure you get the best value and maximum benefits.

When deciding which type of insulation to install, consider the area of your home and the R-value you need. Also consider your budget, the condition of any existing insulation, and whether or not you want to use natural materials. Additionally, consult a certified energy advisor (CEA) to determine the amount of insulation you need and how much it will cost to install in your home.

To install fiberglass insulation, first clear the space and remove any debris or dust. Then, measure the height of the walls to ensure you have enough insulation for your project. Once you have the proper size, cut the insulation with a utility knife and use a scrap piece of two-by-four as a straightedge to guide the knife. Be careful not to compress the insulation, as this will reduce its effectiveness. If you’re using faced insulation, which has a paper face that works as a vapor barrier, be sure to staple it securely to the wall studs.

If you’re installing insulation during new construction, you have more options for product selection. You can choose from batts, blown-in products, or spray foam. However, be aware that this project should only be done by a qualified contractor to ensure the results are satisfactory.

To save money on your energy bill, consider insulating the attic roof and ceiling and any uninsulated exterior walls. Also, remember to seal air leaks to reduce energy waste. This is a significant source of energy loss in many homes and can be costly to fix. Also, be sure to check with your local government to see if there are any incentives available for improving the efficiency of your home. For more information on choosing the right insulation for your home, talk to a team in your local area. We are always happy to help.


Insulation is one of the best home improvement investments you can make to improve energy efficiency and reduce heating and cooling costs. It also creates a sound barrier and helps protect against air leaks and moisture. There are many different types of insulation on the market, ranging from man-made products to eco-friendly options. However, choosing the right insulation for your needs and budget depends on several factors.

It’s also important to keep in mind that the type of insulation you choose will affect how much it costs to install, so you should consider the total cost of your project before deciding on what kind of insulation to purchase and install. For example, fiberglass batts are the most affordable and do-it-yourself-friendly option, and they can be purchased at any lumberyard or big box store. However, they don’t offer the same R-value as other types of insulation and require careful installation to prevent gaps and compression that will decrease their effectiveness.

Loose or blown insulation, such as mineral wool or cellulose, is usually more expensive than fiberglass batts but can help fill awkward spaces that may not fit well with rolls of standard insulation. It can be installed by a professional or by renting an easy-to-use machine that blows the material into place. However, this kind of insulation requires proper ventilation and might need a specialized installation method to avoid problems with moisture or insects.

Structural insulation panels, such as foam or rigid polyurethane, are more costly than loose-fill or blown-in insulation. They can increase the R-value of a home, but they also increase the amount of time and effort that a professional installer will need to spend on a project. Some of these materials are also flammable, so they should only be used in certain locations or with the supervision of a professional.

When evaluating the cost-effectiveness of a home insulation project, homeowners and builders should first consult a certified rater to evaluate the home’s energy performance. Based on this evaluation, the rater can recommend an appropriate level of insulation for the project and specific locations that need it. Then, the homeowner or builder can weigh the pros and cons of different insulation types, considering the cost and recommended R-value.